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About this Friday (March 27th)- Please read :)

From: Elana
Sent on: Wednesday, March 25, 2015, 12:25 PM

Hi Everyone,

Please read this whole note! (Especially if you are coming to Angelique's this Friday.)

1)  Some people are getting messages about Veggie Heaven this Friday (March 27th)...Just to clear things up:  We are not meeting at Veggie Heaven- only Angeliques in Tenafly...

2) Update on what's vegan:  Lentil soup, soy milk, almond milk,  and there are vegan cookies for dessert.  (Please see my description for the event for other vegan food.)  As I said before they can replace cheese in any dish with humus and they, also, said they can add sautéed mushrooms....

3)  There are vegan muffins, but I need to call the restaurant and order them by tomorrow morning.  If you want a vegan muffin please tell me by tonight - or by 9:00 tomorrow morning!!!!!

4)  The bread is not vegan- sorry- just found out this morning!! This means there is soup and salads, for those of you who are vegan...and the desserts and coffee mentioned above.....Maybe ordering a muffin with the salad in place of toast would be a good idea???

OK...I hope this is the last message :)


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