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Important Online Petition to Sign & Share: Tell UW to NOT approve new animal lab!

From: user 8.
Sent on: Friday, November 8, 2013, 11:34 PM

The University of Washington Board of Regents is scheduled to approve a proposal for a new animal research facility at their meeting this Thursday, November 14th. The new facility will allow the UW to double the number of primates, pigs, and rabbits that the university tortures and subjects to its history of animal abuse and neglect.

Action for Animals has created an online petition directed at encouraging the Board to NOT approve the facility proposal, which you can visit here. Please sign the petition, and then share it with friends and family through email, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

The animals need us to convince the Board that they do not have public support for the new lab and that, as a world leader in research, the University of Washington should be focusing on innovative research methods rather than investing millions of dollars in expanding outdated animal research.

Thank you for caring.

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