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Re: [vocalists-151] upcoming event - Fox Valley

From: Raul H V.
Sent on: Tuesday, July 17, 2012, 4:49 PM
That's right! Hope to see evryone that evening.  

From: John Ludwig <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Tuesday, July 17,[masked]:44 PM
Subject: [vocalists-151] upcoming event - Fox Valley

Hi Collective,
I wanted to get with everyone regarding our annual 2 day appearance at the Fox Valley Folk Festival.  We have an hour of stage time on both Sunday and Monday of Labor Day weekend.  If you are an acoustic performer this is a great opportunity to showcase yourself at a premier festival.  If you are interested in being part of this either as a performer or as a representative of the CSC there are two things to do. 
First off would be to attend a meeting and let us see what you have to offer.  Aside from our stage time, the festival has a number of open mics throughout the day, along with jamming with all sorts of different folks.  So it's open to all folks to be part of, although we are selective as to having seasoned performers for our stage time. 
Second would be to get back to me regarding your interest. 
P.S.  I am out of town for the July meeting at United Quick Center.  Raul is hosting the evening. Thanks Raul. 

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