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RE: [VOICES-of-Sacracramento] VOICES Audition Notice

From: Larry W.
Sent on: Monday, November 21, 2011, 8:24 AM
Hi Jon,
I've yet to get my demo produced but I'm definitely a willing participant.
My demo will be done in January of 2012. FINALLY!!!
Larry Womac

From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Subject: [VOICES-of-Sacracramento] VOICES Audition Notice
Date: Fri, 11 Nov[masked]:44:43 -0500

Hey VOICES member,
   I just wanted to pass on a really great opportunity for the great  folks in the VOICES Meetup to show the town of Sacramento what sort of talent the group is made of.    The students at the Art Institute are in the mist of another Commercial class and they need Talent to provide voices for their projects.   These projects the AI Students produce are top quality and many end up on the Radio, TV and Internet.  This is a tremendous opportunity for new Voice Talents to add some cred to their VO Resume, and better yet, help a local student produce the best quality Commercial possible. 
Some of the company names include:

Comedy Sportz
Boulevard Nursery
Skips Kitchen
Sacramento Dental Group
Augustine Ideas
A Toy Garden
Silver Star Motors
Little Monsters Pet Care
and more...
So, if anyone is interested, please send me a message with a link to your demo or voice sample. Please do not send me your demo via email.  If you do not have voice sample and still want to participate, send me a note anyways and I will work with you to set-up a time to get a recording.
Send responses to: [address removed]
Alright VOICES, lets Step-Up to the Mic and show 'em what we got.


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This message was sent by Jon Morss ([address removed]) from VOICES - Voice Over Immersion Club & Exchange of Sacramento.
To learn more about Jon Morss, visit his/her member profile

Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] | [address removed]