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Reminder - Sunday, January 2nd Joint V-ball Meetup with Sherman Oaks V-ball Meetup

From: Mark N.
Sent on: Thursday, December 30, 2010, 9:23 AM

Hello Fellow Spikers,


Hope you all had a very happy and enjoyable Christmas last w/e and are having

a pleasant Holiday season.


Just as a reminder, we will be holding?our first joint Meetup with the Sherman Oaks V-ball (SOV) Meetup

this Sunday afternoon (January 2nd), weather permitting.?? So, there will be no outdoor V-ball

at Victory Park this Sunday afternoon.? And Victory Park will be closed down for the post-parade

this New Year's w/e.


We will?travel to the SOV home turf at:


Van Nuys/Sherman Oaks Recreation Center
14201 Huston St.
Sherman Oaks, CA

Driving directions:


134 Freeway West to 101 Freeway West
Exit at Van Nuys Blvd. and turn right onto Van Nuys Blvd.
Go to Huston, turn right on Huston, and go down about 1/4 mile
Park and grassy area where SOV plays will be on LHS
Main parking lot is on LHS before grassy area off of Tyrone Ave.
You can also park along Huston St. past Tyrone Ave.


This will also be a joint potluck event with SOV, so please bring a food, snack, or dessert item
or drinks.


Start time will be 12 Noon.? Let's try to arrange carpooling if possible from the Pasadena area.


Please indicate whether you will be attending by RSVPing for this event.? I'm hoping that

we can get enough folks for a team or two and have a V-ball tournament going with SOV.


Should be a fun afternoon of V-ball and an opportunity to meet and mingle with
other V-ball enthusiasts.


Have a happy and safe New Year's Day,
