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PRESENTING ...... The Next World Of Warcraft Meetup....

From: Matt
Sent on: Monday, August 24, 2009, 9:02 PM
Ladies & Gentlemen/ Alliance & Horde,

My appologies for the delay...

Our next meetup will be September 18th, 2009, @ 7:00PM. I am thinking we will aim to meetup chat for a bit, then head out and grab wings & beer.

We will have the same meeting location as before, for those of you who who were not at previous meetings we usually meetup at Eau Claire Market, just outside the food court.(Should you need it and get lost my cell phone number is below). I will also ensure that I bring my laptop (Apple Notebook) and will wear my green hoodie. We usually stick out like a sore thumb but who knows. :P

Looking forward to seeing all the folks from our previous meetings, and the new friends that have joined us since.

Matt Campbell

80 Priest - Winterhoof - Rumak
78 Warlock - Winterhoof - Cerab

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