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What we’re about

Whether you are already divorced, going through the process of divorce, or contemplating divorce, our group is for you!

The West Suburban Divorce Support Group is here to serve as a vehicle to provide emotional support and friendship through this major life changing event.
Our hope is to provide you with some encouragement and share our experiences in an effort to help you understand some of the emotions that you are feeling.
We are NOT counselors and any information shared or given during the meetup should be viewed as such. Also, we are not a dating meetup. Though we do not encourage forming relationships, we do not frown upon them either as long as all parties are consenting.

Each month, we plan to hold one monthly meetup where we will dine, create fellowships and share our experiences. This is the “healing” meeting, which we believe is important to attend while going through the process. Masks are mandatory until further notice. We strongly encourage everyone who attends our meetings to be vaccinated.

We will also have additional meetups at varied locations with "fun" activities (e.g., bowling, movies, after work cocktails, dancing, live music, etc.). These are intended to be “social” events and their primary function is to get you out of the house and give you a temporary distraction to the pain and agony that you are experiencing.

The fact that you are still reading this means that you’ve made your first step in the process. DON’T stop now. Sign up for the group and come join us for a meetup.

We look forward to meeting you!

Please note the following Group Policies & Requirements. By joining our group, you acknowledge that you have read, understand and agree to the following as well as the terms in the Waiver and Release of Liability:
1) We ask for a profile photo when you join so we can recognize and welcome you when attending your first event.
2) We have a zero-tolerance policy toward abusive behavior. We will not tolerate persons that are disrespectful or in any way make other members uncomfortable at events or when messaging through the Meetup App. 
3) This group has been created to provide a safe space for people going through a difficult time in their life. As such, we cannot allow both spouses to be a part of this group at the same time. If your spouse/ex-spouse is a currently active member, you will be removed. 
4) We would like members to participate in at least a few events throughout the year. We all have time constraints and understand that unforeseen circumstances arise. However, our hosting venues need accurate estimates of expected attendance. When RSVP'ing to an event, it is mandatory that you respect that commitment and cancel your RSVP if you cannot attend. Attendance will be monitored and those who RSVP multiple times without showing up will be removed from the group. 
5) Please note that West Suburban Divorce Support Group is not responsible for your personal health and well being and shall be held harmless of issues that arise from any meetings, gatherings or events.
6) Terms in the Waiver and Release of Liability - By joining West Suburban Support Divorce Group as a member, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless West Suburban Support Divorce Group, its organizers, assistant organizers and hosts from all claims or liability of every type (including court costs and legal fees) for injury or death to any person or for damage to property, loss of personal property or any other wrongful act arising out of or relating to your participation in any events as a member. This agreement applies to you and any other person (as your guest) who may accompany you in these endeavors. By attending events in West Suburban Support Divorce Group, you are doing so voluntarily by you as a member. Participation in any activity with West Suburban Support Divorce Group is at your own risk and you are responsible for your own safety.

The purpose of this group is to provide support and friendship. We promote this by encouraging active participation at our hosted events. Any member that has joined and has not attended one event in a six-month period can be removed as well. If you joined and then decided that you are not ready to attend, you can always rejoin when you are able to do so.

*Due to Covid and its Variants, we ask that anyone that attends any meetup functions adhere to CDC Mask and Vaccination recommendations. Thank you.