From: Sylvia
Sent on: Thursday, November 29, 2012, 2:58 PM

Come & see "Hyde Park on Hudson", Sunday, Dec. 9th at 1:30pmInline image 3Inline image 5Inline image 1

Academy Award nominees Bill Murray and Laura Linney star in one of the most talked–about films of the season.

Take a break from Holiday shopping and come to see this lovely period piece.

After the movie we will get a bite to eat.  We hope you can join us to enjoy this movie!

With Britain facing imminent war in June 1939, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt hosts the King and Queen of England for a weekend at the Roosevelt home at Hyde Park on Hudson, in upstate New York. Director Roger Michell (NOTTING HILL, VENUS) helms the historical tale that explores the all–too–human side of one of history’s iconic leaders.

Inline image 4Angelika Film Center

18 W. Houston St. (at Broadway), New YorkNY (edit map)

I'll be in the lobby with a Great Girlfriends sign, a name tag & a big smile;)

With Britain's King George VI playing an important part in the proceedings as a house guest, audiences will be no doubt be encouraged to think of this classy, mildly ribald slice of biographical arcania as this season's The King's Speech, bolstered by the fact that both leaders had to deal with physical impairments. Reflecting a time when the intimate secrets of our leaders could truly be securely kept from the public, this Focus Features holiday release seems eminently promotable as a refined treat that's nonetheless palatable to a wide audience.

Although decorously staged and tidily written in the manner of many films and television shows about the historical high and mighty, this contribution to 20th century costume drama ventures waist-deep into vaguely queasy territory by exploring, however gingerly,Franklin Delano Roosevelt's multiple menage that was either hidden, or ignored, in plain sight under the roof he shared with his wife and mother.

Kindly pay the $3.00 fee to Paypal before you RSVP -
this is to maintain the Meetup site, printing costs, group expenses, and pay our Monthly fee to the Meetup Organization - Thank you.

Please click here to "RSVP" to go to our website:Come & see "Hyde Park on Hudson", Sunday, Dec. 9th at 1:30pm

Official Movie Site:

 'Hyde Park on Hudson': Trailer

On the eve of World War II, Bill Murray is Franklin Delano Roosevelt as he hosts the King and Queen of England on their first ever trip to America at his family homestead – Hyde Park on Hudson

Everything... concerning the royals -- portrayed with grace, aplomb, and resolute humanity by the wonderful Samuel West and the goddesslike Olivia Colman -- is fantastic. It's very much the sequel to The King's Speech...

Inline image 6

Sylvia - Organizer Great Girlfriends - email - [address removed]

"We need another wiser and more mystical concept of animals.  They are not underlings, they are another nation caught with ourselves in the net of life and time, fellow travelers of the splendor and travail of the earth."
--Henry Beston