From: Sylvia
Sent on: Sunday, April 14, 2013, 7:14 PM

Tina Brown's Women in the World Conference #2 Kicks Off in New York

Beyond the Veil | RedTracker Extraordinary women from around the world have gathered in New York for The Daily Beast and Newsweek’s second annual Women in the World Stories and Solutions summit. The panels are all streamed live on the Internet and they make for excellent watching.

Today’s (Friday) schedule link.

Tina Brown: Society’s Treatment of Women a Marker of Civilization

Sylvia - Organizer Great Girlfriends - email - [address removed]

"We need another wiser and more mystical concept of animals.  They are not underlings, they are another nation caught with ourselves in the net of life and time, fellow travelers of the splendor and travail of the earth."
--Henry Beston