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What we’re about

Welcome to all of the women out there interested in woodworking!!

We are a group of local ladies who enjoy (or aspire to/have an interest in) woodworking and woodturning. We are sponsored by local the NorCal Woodturners (American Assoc. of Woodturners - Women in Turing (WIT)!)

We will be doing both social events where we can get together to share ideas, help and inspire each other, as well as demos and educational/hands on learning opportunities!
Whether you are already a woodworker/woodturner or just want to explore it all we encourage you to join! It's a very supportive and welcoming community!!

For some of the hands on that involve power tools you will need to be a member of NorCal Woodturners for insurance coverage. It is just $35 for a year and includes access to monthly meetings, mentors, open shop classes and more!! If interested you can sign up here: