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What we’re about

Are you interested in women's stories?
DO YOU feel frustrated by the lack of access to comprehensive information about women's history?
You believe that many history books and tours focus mainly on male figures, leaving out the important contributions of women throughout history?
This exclusion makes it difficult for you to fully understand and connect with your own heritage and identity as a woman?

It's time to introduce you to the Women of London!

Trailblazing, rebel rousing, anarchistic, philanthropic. infamous, badass sisters of London.

From the women who worked on the bridges during WW II to the doctors and surgeons who were the first of their kind after the Sex Disqualification act of 1919.

We delve into the lives of secret agents, inventors and composers, some still alive today.

I take you through the alleyways and squares of London and you get to soak up the history and culture of this beautiful city.

Women have been invisible for hundreds of years. They were the brains behind inventions, the writers of books credited to men and the backbone of London society.

They say history is written by the victorious ... we know history is by men for men which is why it's called HIS STORY. So I want you to chuck out all your preconceptions and come with me through the streets of London to learn HER STORY.

Everyone is welcome. The tours are suitable for women, men and children. Bring your dogs too!
Typically a walk will last between 1.30hrs and 2hrs.
Suitable for residents of the UK and Visitors.
If you sign up for a walk please change your RSVP in good time. Changing your RSVP an hour before is not enough notice for me.
Any tour which does not reach the minimum requirement of two people will be rescheduled.

The cost is £10 before the tour starts either in cash or by buying a ticket from my website

Still not sure about coming? Just check out the reviews above....

In addition to Meetup I have been employed by some big corporate companies to introduce their staff to gender balanced tours of our great capital. Some of my clients have been Ernst & Young, Deloitte and The Trouble Club. If you would like me to do a tour for your workplace please message me!

See you soon

Upcoming events (3)

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