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We have a Date and Place for WordCamp 2012!

From: Judi K.
Sent on: Tuesday, August 2, 2011, 3:51 PM

Yay! Finally.

Russell Fair and I are delighted to let you know that we have a confirmed date and place for our next WordCamp ATL!

SCAD has generously donated their space for January 28 and[masked].

Now the planning process begins as soon as we get back from WordCamp SF!

Anyone who would like to be involved in being a Committee Chair and playing a big role in the planning process please e-mail me. Let me know what you are great at.Later we will look for others to help on those committees.

We are looking for the right people to take on leadership roles on the various committees (which are to be decided) but are things like: Sponsorships, Logistics, Presentations, After-Party Coordinator, Head of Swag Bags, Volunteer Coordinator, Signs and various other jobs.

Let me know if you want to get involved.

All for now!


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