Practice Session: Reshaping the Landscape of Belonging toTransform Community
Join me for a pre-conference practice session of my talk, "Reshaping the Landscape of Belonging To Transform Community," which I'll be giving at All Things Open in Raleigh, NC, on Sunday, October 27.
As a member of our NYC WordPress community, your presence in Raleigh would mean so much to me. I know that requires a bit of life planning, so I'd love for you to attend this session. Share your thoughts and insights after I run through my talk.
Session Summary:
Session Title: Reshaping the landscape of belonging to transform community
Overview: Discover how my journey leading up to the Obama campaign taught me to speak up for myself and my community. Within our WordPress community, I found both refuge and purpose, learning the power of collaboration and global connection. Years of co-organizing Meetups and WordCamps led me to create an innovative solution for global connection and inclusivity with Support Inclusion in Tech (SiNC). SiNC tackles financial barriers by funding travel for underrepresented speakers at WordCamps globally. Learn about the tools for change that transformed my fear of outsider status into a catalyst for positive action.
About conference: All Things Open is a technology conference focusing on the tools, processes and people making open source possible. Its sophisticated and diverse audience is a technical one that includes designers, developers, decision makers, entrepreneurs and technologists of all types and skill levels.
All Things Open website.
Can you attend? Register for ATO here.
Practice Session: Reshaping the Landscape of Belonging toTransform Community