Join us for an hour of writing from the comfort of your own home.
We’ve discovered that it’s strikingly helpful to write with others, even if we’re all just hanging out online together. See if it’s true for you at 8:00pm on Wednesday.
Be it a book, blog, script, essay, dissertation, resume, melody, poem or just plain work stuff, you are invited to write it with us. Instead of just thinking about writing, come and get some real writing done. And don’t worry, no one will see what you've written or give you unsolicited advice.
8:00 - Quick introductions
8:05 - Timer Starts: write for 50 minutes
8:55 - We come together to say what we accomplished.
9:00 - The End
A computer with working camera and microphone, a good internet connection, and optionally, headphones.
We are using Google Meet conferencing platform. Sign in to your google account and then click the link to join the meeting. We will use the free meeting account so we will only have one hour and then it will automatically disconnect and end the meeting. There will be a three-minute checkout at the end to state our accomplishments.