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New Meetup: Seattle Writer's MeetUp - August, Round 2

From: Michele C.
Sent on: Sunday, August 16, 2009, 6:25 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Seattle Writers Meetup Group!

What: Seattle Writer's MeetUp - August, Round 2

When: August 24,[masked]:30 PM

BodySong Healing & Arts Center
943 N. 89th Street
Seattle, WA 98103

Hey writers! By popular demand, we're having another meetup this month!

Although not required, feel free to post your work before the meetup, in the FILES section in the blue menu on the left of this page. If you wish to do that, let us know with a message to the group so we can read up if we want to, ahead of time! If not, as always, just show up with work-in-hand to read aloud to the group, or just show up ready to listen and offer feedback for others. Oh, and please consider contributing the requested $5 donation to help offset the cost of space rental and group fees. Thanks!

This meetup falls very near to Thomas's birthday, so there will be cake! ^_^
Happy Birthday, Thomas!

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