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What we’re about

Bienvenid@ a nuestra comunidad de Yoga y consciencia en Movimiento en el Bosque de Chapultepec. Explora la conexión consciente con tu cuerpo a través de Yoga, técnicas de Conciencia corporal y mindfulness. Al finalizar, comparte en nuestro cálido Círculo de palabra

Ya seas un practicante experimentado o estés comenzando tu viaje de autoconciencia, nuestro grupo proporciona herramientas para mejorar tu conciencia corporal, fortalecer tu cuerpo, liberar tensiones y fomentar la flexibilidad y creatividad cerebral. No olvides tu mat y la disposición para aprender a habitar tu cuerpo amorosa y conscientemente. ¡Te esperamos!

Welcome to Yoga y Conciencia en Movimiento en Chapultepec/ Yogaawareness Meetup!
Join our vibrant Yoga community, where you'll delve into consciously connecting with your body through of Yoga, Body Awareness techniques, and mindfulness meditation. Immerse yourself in the serene surroundings of Chapultepec Forest, and after the practice, feel free to stay for our welcoming Circle of Sharing, where we connect as a community. Remember to bring your mat, a cozy sweater for meditation warmth, and an open mindset to learn to inhabit your body lovingly and mindfully!

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced yogi, our diverse and engaging classes are perfect for anyone interested in movement, mindfulness, and building strength from within. Get ready to find your inner peace and stretch your boundaries with us!