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RE: [20s-30s-Skiing-Snowboarding-Meetup] One day and it's up to you

From: coccobean
Sent on: Friday, August 30, 2013, 7:21 PM
Hi Herbert I like to vote but not through Facebook is that possible.   Thanks for your ski board meetup site.

From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Subject: [20s-30s-Skiing-Snowboarding-Meetup] One day and it's up to you
Date: Fri, 30 Aug[masked]:26:35 -0400

I want to ask each and everyone of you (all 1200 members) to do me a huge favour.
In February I entered a contest to win a trip to space and to win I decided to become "Herbert the Astronaut" and show up as an astronaut everywhere I go (Work, beach, shopping, theatre, ...)
I am currently 9th of 6000+ contenders and to win I need to be in the top 5. That's only 4 spots to go!
I am so very close to winning and need your votes to break into the top 5. You can send me to actual space by voting for me at (until August 31) and encouraging your friends to vote. Time is of the essence.
If all of you vote for me today I have a shot at winning and go for astronaut training in Florida this December... and hopefully go up in the summer of 2014
It's easy to vote and you don't have to sign up.

What's in it for you?
1. Helping others is a pretty amazing way of making yourself feel good:)
2. I didn't think I would ever play this card but there is so much at stake for me so here it is... You may not know this but I pay a fee each month to You could see your vote as giving me something back in return.
Vote right now:

A bit more about Herbert the Astronaut:
I've been up to some pretty awesome things over the past six months while trying to make my space dream come true. I met Gene Simmons, ran in a hamster ball during a BC Lions game in front of[masked] thousand spectators, met NHL player and social media superstar Paul Bissonette (BizNasty), ran the Vancouver Sun Run, taught people how to ski and snowboard at Grouse Mountain and did a Harlem shake Youtube video with some of the group members. I joined the free hugs movement and I get tons of messages from people telling me that I make them think about their own dreams.

And that's I am calling on the amazing people of this group to help make my dream come true. You can vote for me at: !
Thanks for your support,
Herbert the Astronaut

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Meetup, POB 4668 #37895 NY NY USA 10163 | [address removed]

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