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Ride the Bus to the Reason Rally in March

From: Bart
Sent on: Sunday, December 18, 2011, 7:51 PM
A reminder! December 25th is the last day to get the special $120 per person roundtrip price on riding the rally bus to the reason rally in Washington D.C. in March. 

* $120 per person round trip.
* You ride the bus to the event, and then you turn around and ride the bus home, no need to pay for a hotel room
* Riding the bus with a bunch of freethinkers will be AWESOME
* If they don't get 40 people on the bus it won't be going
* The bus leaves out from Little Rock
* If the bus doesn't go you get your money refunded
* We have 4 people signed for the bus so far, 36 left to make the bus go!
* The price will go up after December 25th so sign up now if you can!