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Great News: Skepchick has endorsed our little Atheist Days event on her homepage

From: Jeff W.
Sent on: Tuesday, July 8, 2008, 2:39 PM
Great News Everyone...Skepchick has endorsed our event on her homepage!!!!

Atheist Days (Plus, Panic at Skepchick HQ)

July 8th, 2008 by Rebecca ? 1 Comment

No GravatarI swear I was going to have a post today all full of delicious skeptical content, but this morning my MacBook's hard drive apparently went kaput, making an awful clicking death rattle. I'm distraught and unable to focus on anything other than getting this fixed, because as many of you know, that laptop is the heart of Skepchick. Without it, I'll be forced to go back to my pre-Skepchick days of just being quietly skeptical in my head while actually performing physical activities outside in the real world. Perish the thought!

So, this post will be dedicated to one final push for all you nonbelievers to register for Atheist Days, a three-day festival taking place in Strasburg, Virginia, August 15-17. The organizers really need people to sign up in the next few days, so get to it people! I'm ordering my ticket today, and I can't wait to spend a weekend hanging out on a beach with a bunch of heathens listening to good music. Woo hoo!

On 7/8/08, Jeff Wismer <[address removed]> wrote:
Good Day Everyone:
We have not seen the bump in ticket sales as of yet and the clock is ticking, and soon it will be the end of the week, which means we have to make a decision "to be or not to be"...that is the question my fellow atheists, agnostics, secular humanists, and free-thinkers.
This will be my last request, and then I promise to shut the hell up.
I ask you too step back and look @ the BIGGER picture, and how beneficial this event will be for the greater atheist, secular-humanist, agnostic, & free-thinker community of the United States, especially the local area.  You might have seen the atheist days flyers up in your local bars, and music clubs already.  There are stacks of them all around this city...BusBoys & Poets, Black Cat, DC-9, Velvet Lounge, Galaxy Hut, & Iota Cafe n bar...just to name a few.  Not too mention all the adds online.
You may not be able to make it this year, or maybe this isn't your thing, but trust me when I say that this event is crucial for attracting new blood for the future of our movement, and it's a sign we're reaching out further and further into the greater community.  We would appreciate if you only bought one (1) ticket ($60.00) to ensure that this event can proceed forward. I hope that's not asking too much.  We need this by the end of the week. 
Thank you in advance.
Rock on people!!!!
Beltway Atheists

Tickets are on SALE NOW to the FIRST EVER Atheist Outdoor Festival in the United States
It will be "An Unbelievably Good Time"

http://atheistdays. com/

Please do not delay or you will have to wait till next year.

Half Moon Beach

http://www. skylinepaintball. com/halfmoonbeach. htm

Atheist Days 2008 

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