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Photo group "policies"

From: Robert C.
Sent on: Saturday, March 23, 2013, 9:00 AM
Hi All,

I'm asking for feedback on using our mailing list for selling camera gear.  I like to do what works best for the group as a whole.  For example, the decision was made two years ago to ban commercial advertising by individual members.  

I think it's alright for a member to offer their personal gear here, but limit it to higher end gear and not do it very often.  This is the first time I've utilized this list in three years to sell a camera.  If we all get inundated with daily emails about point and shoots, filters, lenses, flashes and camera bags, then we'll go to a zero ad policy.   

I get a LOT of emails from members and I always try to reply personally rather than to the entire group.  If you hit "reply" your response goes back to the ENTIRE group.  I've done that a couple of times unwittingly and to my regret.  If you want to respond to someone selling a camera, please respond only to them.

