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Café Conversation goes to London - still a few places remaining 4 -6 avril

From: LetThemTalk P.
Sent on: Sunday, March 23, 2014, 11:33 PM

LetThemTalk and Café Conversation are organising a weekend trip to London for 3 days 2 nights taking 4th - 6th April

The price starts from an unbeatable €280 (€340 euros for a single room)

-EUROSTAR return ticket Paris - London

-2 nights hotel in central London

-guided tour (about 2 hours)

-We also organise a dinner and a lunch (not included)

-lots of free time.

40 Euros reimboursed

This trip has been organised for English learners but English speakers are welcome providing you don't mind mingling with French people! Because/if you are not learning English then there is a reduced price for this trip.

The normal price is €320 (€380 for single room) but if you are an English speaker already you won't need to take part in our English courses so you'll be reimbursed 40 euros from the website price.

Please check the website for more details

Reserve soon places are limited!

Don't hesitate to write to me if you have any questions


Team LetThemTalk.


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