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RE: [Central-Florida-kayak-dayhiking-backpac­king-group] RE: Horseback Riding

From: Paula & Bud H.
Sent on: Wednesday, February 1, 2012, 2:42 PM
Craig. I would like to suggest Medard Park for camping. It a beautiful little park almost right next to the Turkey Creek stables and has a group site. The only drawback is that you have to go in person to reserve the site.
Sent from Garminfone by T-Mobile.

Craig <[address removed]> wrote:


We have quite a few members interested in Horseback riding.

I have rented horses from the Turkey Creek Stables which is in Turkey Creek Road east of Brandon.  The typical cost is $20.00 hour, and unlike some stables that only let you slowly walk with a quide, they let you open it up a bit.


Would the group be interested in combining a Camping / horseback riding on the week of February 25th.

I would recommend camping one night, go riding on Saturday, and perhaps hiking or Kayaking on Sunday.

Alafia state park is nearby, and has plenty of hiking trails, with actual hills.  E mail me your thoughts, and your organizers will make it happen.



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