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New Meetup: This Thursday Happy Hour @ Farina's Main St St Grapevine

From: Linda M.
Sent on: Wednesday, November 6, 2013, 1:21 PM

Announcing a new Meetup for DFW Sailing Adventures!

What: This Thursday Happy Hour @ Farina's Main St St Grapevine
When: Thursday, November 7,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Farina's Winery & Cafe
420 S. Main St.
Grapevine, TX 76051

Come join us for an impromptu gathering at Farina's for Pizza and wine happy hour. 


If you want to come to the Margarita Ball this Saturday let me know so we can get more tickets.
Bus from Grapevine Sat night Nov 9th.
Meet at 6:00PM at my home. 

No need to drive. Plenty of rooms in this neighborhood to stay the night..
Bring BYOB and your toy to get in.
We have room for 6 more people on our bus of (15). $20 roundtrip and party there and back....

Check it out!

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