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New Meetup: Opa! Fest

From: Cara
Sent on: Saturday, June 19, 2010, 8:00 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Detroit International Social Meetup!

What: Opa! Fest

When: Sunday, June 27,[masked]:30 AM

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
760 West Wattles Road
Troy, MI 48084

Opa! Fest 2010 is the 17th annual festival of St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church in Troy, Michigan. It is our largest fund raising event and we sincerely appreciate your support!

We can all meet in the main parking lot at 11:30 and ride the shuttle over together. Depending upon how hugry we all are we can either eat or look around first. Check out the web site, it looks like fun!

Where: St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church,760 West Wattles Road, Troy, MI [masked]

Admission: $2.00 per person (children under 12 are free)

Entertainment, Dancing, Children Games, Cash Raffle,Marketplace, Exhibits, Greek Food and Fabulous Greek Pastry

Learn more here: