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Over 2000 Reasons to be a Downtown Social Mixer!

From: Frank V
Sent on: Saturday, October 24, 2015, 10:30 AM

Hi Everyone,

Our group has achieved another great milestone! We are now over 2000 members and growing. I want to thank all our members who support our events.

We strive to provide interesting and low cost social events in the downtown Toronto core.

If anyone is interested in volunteering to host an event for our group feel free to drop me a note and we can discuss your idea.

Please check out our event calendar regularly as we some exciting events in the upcoming days and weeks.

Congrats to all our Downtown Social Mixers!


Frank V

Meetup Organizer - Downtown Social Mixer












CA$2.00 Jan-Dec

This covers: Cost of owning a meetup site is $144.00/yr to Meetup HQ

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  • PayPal

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