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Re: [ruby-81] Ruby guru desired for a great contract position

From: Elliott B.
Sent on: Friday, July 29, 2011, 9:13 PM
The return on investment of an Ivy League education no longer justifies the investment.  Just teach these kids some good values and valuable skills, and they'll be fine.

From: Rob <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Friday, July 29,[masked]:32 PM
Subject: [ruby-81] Ruby guru desired for a great contract position

Hi, I'm looking for an experienced Rubyist who really knows their stuff. The project is a web service that helps parents with college savings for their kids. If you're a parent, you know the issues (like tuition outpacing inflation 3:1). If you're not yet a parent but plan to be, better start saving! In a couple years, when you have a baby (perhaps 2013?) + 18 years later (2031), how much will 4 years fully loaded of your child's 1st choice be?

(hint: Harvard tuition this past year Harvard tuition 2011). Now take into account 3x inflation over 20 years. Then add room/board/ebooks & extras. Now multiply by 4 years.

Looking for an experienced Rubyist who can work with the UX/UI/front-end team & build the back end. It's a very interesting project & definitely serves a social good.

Please be experienced with pointers to your work, resume or whatever way you'd like to express to me that you really do know your stuff.

Thanks, Rob

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