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GS2 Cookout, July 25th!

From: James
Sent on: Saturday, June 6, 2009, 3:01 PM
My fellow Gamers,

Who: The Garden State Gamers and their significant others
What: BYOA, Bring Your Own Anything. Share your dishes with your fellow Gamers.
When: July 25th from 4-8
Where: TBT. Voice your opinion at the RSVP page

Why didn't we think of this sooner?

I'm still working out the details, but here's the idea. Everyone bring a little something, and together we'll have a meal. Store bought stuff is fine, home made stuff is better! NO REPEATS!

Other Meat (besides burgers and hotdogs)
Salad (fruit, pasta, potato)
Drinks (Let me know if you plan to bring alcohol)

I'll bring the burgers and the hotdogs, a cooler or two, and my new wife.

When you sign up, tell us what you are bringing!

Your Fearless Leader,
El Capitan James

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