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FYI: Meetup Fees Have Been Paid

From: Jessica
Sent on: Wednesday, April 11, 2012, 7:58 PM

Hi all,

I think many of you might have received an email telling you that our group no longer had an organiser. That wasn't in fact accurate, what happened is that our annual payment was due for our group profile on Meetup. I allowed the renewal to lapse because I was hoping to find a sponsor to help me cover the costs.

I'm still looking for a sponsor and if you have any suggestions please get in touch.

Essentially, it costs $72 per year for us to enjoy using Meetup, and I've paid this out of my own pocket. I did this originally and I've done it again because I think Meetup is a really important platform for our group.

I hope you're all doing well and if your workplace is anything like mine you're still up to your eye balls in chocolate eggs.

We'll be posting details of our next dinner this weekend. I hope to see lots of you in attendance on Wednesday, April 25th

All the best,


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