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OpenStack India User Group Newsletter

From: Kavit M.
Sent on: Thursday, June 6, 2013, 11:48 AM

Hello all,


We are planning to organise a Meetup day in Bangalore in mid-July. We will update the people with regards to the venue and the date in the next week. This will be a not for profit event like the OpenStack day held in December, 2012.


We would also like the general user community to get involved with OpenStack. Here are a few things that will help


1. Join the Foundation


Joining the Foundation is the first step in joining the OpenStack community. If you are interested in contributing, you can add your input to the project roadmap, write code for the source tree or fix bugs. If you aren't a developer, the documentation team always likes suggestions from new users who might have some ideas about what needs changing.


2. Get Started


This link is the best resource for new users to get started with OpenStack. Included are links to DevStack, a great resource to try out OpenStack even if you don't have any server resources available. Also included are links to installation guides for most Linux distributions and hypervisors.


3. Tell us what you think and what you need from the project.

This is open source at its finest, with a community driven development model. Roadmaps and blue prints are decided every 6 months at OpenStack Summits, with the next summit to be held in Hong Kong on the 5th to the 8th of November. We are very pleased to see the first "international" OpenStack summit being held in the APAC region.

Our aim is to bring professional users, students and enthusiasts together and get Indian user and developer contribution to the community up. This will allow us to make a case for hosting the design summit in India in the coming year.


Please do not hesitate to contact any of the Organisers on this board if you have any questions or would like to learn more about the group or OpenStack in general.


Kavit Munshi