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New Meetup: You Can Bank on Recanati Winery

From: Avi A.
Sent on: Friday, December 25, 2009, 12:38 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Israeli Wine Lovers!

What: You Can Bank on Recanati Winery

When: January 21,[masked]:00 PM

Price: $36.00 per person

MyHome Showroom
353 W48 Street
New York, NY 10019

The Recanati Winery was founded in 2000, near Hadera, by a group of wine lovers led by Lenny Recanati, from the Israeli Banking family. Their goal was to create a winery that produces quality Israeli wines at reasonable consumer prices. The winery receives most of its grapes from the Manara and Kerem Ben-Zimra regions in the Upper Galil, a high region with an ideal climate for the cultivation of quality wine grapes. Additional grapes come from the Ella Valley, in the Jerusalem Hills, and the Lower Galil.

Gil Shatsberg, Recanati's chief winemaker, will grace us with his presence and present a wide selection of his creations.

Sit back and relax and join other wine lovers at the Israeli Wine of the Month Club?s interactive wine tasting experience.

What is interactive wine tasting?

* Nine wonderful Israeli wine will be explored. Artisan cheeses and breads, crackers and fruit are also served.
* A panel of our Sommelier/Wine Critics will describe each wine and guide you in exercising your palate tasting them. Also, the panel will offer wine and food pairing suggestions
* You will be encouraged to voice your opinion about each wine and write elaborate notes -- be Robert Parker, Tom Stevenson or Daniel Rogov for a night...
* We will collect everyone?s tasting notes and distribute them via a newsletter. The newsletter will also include professional tasting notes as well as detailed descriptions of the wineries, and more...

When? Jan 21, 2010 at 7PM
Where? MyHome Showroom
353 W48 Street (ground floor)
New York, NY 10019

How much? $36 at door
RSVP by Jan 20, 2009 (space is limited)

Learn more here: