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PCHS Lottery Wall Space Results!

From: Tracie
Sent on: Thursday, November 21, 2013, 10:52 PM

For those of you that were at the last KPPG meeting, I handed out a map of the PCHS wall space that I numbered one through thirty.  I meant to scan and upload this document for those of you that were not at the meeting, but did not have time.  So, initially, these assigned spaces will not mean a lot to you.  Only that you have been assigned one or two spaces.  By tomorrow I should have the opportunity to upload the map so you can see where you are to display your photos.

I am happy to say that everyone who wanted to participate, got a space.  Of the 11 photographers that asked for two spaces, 5 were drawn for this years lottery.  My apologies to those of you whose names did not get drawn, but in the event we have a photographer or two that are not able to continue on with his or her commitment or who might move out of the area, I will hang on to your names and we will draw again from your names for a replacement.

The assignments are as follows:  1-Greg D, 2-Pat L, 3-Cyndie A, 4 and 5-Mark P, 6-Robert K, 7 and 8-George K, 9 and 10-Maria D, 11-Jerry M, 12-Laurie J, 13-John F, 14-Mick L, 15-Bill T, 16-Elaine H, 17-Becky M, 18 and 19-Tricia S, 20 and 21-Jerry M, 22-Sandra S, 23-Robyn N, 24-Tracie H, 25-Brita N, 26-Gary P, 27-Nancy D, 28-Melanie S, 29-John D, 30-Laural S.

Lastly, here again is the link to the details/expectations for maintaining a wall space.  I hope to see many of you on the third or fourth of December with some new art!

Regards, Tracie