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RE: [cooking-415] Future Meetups to come soon (1) French cooking

From: Christian
Sent on: Tuesday, March 25, 2008, 3:30 PM
Who's interested in Indian cooking??

Me me me me me me me me me me me!!!


(Esp. things like Naan, Ras malai, Bhel or Pani Puri,
Nehari, Pullao, etc..)

--- mugdha <[address removed]> wrote:

sounds like wonderful idea. If anyone is interested in
learning some basic Indian recipes, I would love to
volunteer to be on the team of instructors for that

Art <[address removed]> wrote:
  What is key for me is something that can be stored
in the fridge for later consumption or be brought to
the office.  A French dish would turn my colleagues
green from envy!

  From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Subject: Re: [cooking-415] Future Meetups to come soon
(1) French cooking
Date: Mon, 24 Mar[masked]:34:20 -0400

  This sounds wonderful!
  I've got a two picky eaters that I LOVE going home
to everyday.  My husband and daugher like and need
different things.  For instance, I tried this
casseroles recipe last week and my daughter who is a
toddler loved it but my husband didn't.  I believe his
Mother over did the casseroles when he was a child ;-(
  I would like quick meals for less than 9 ingredients
for during the week.  On the weekends, I have more
time to spend really cooking.
  I am new to the group and can't wait to really
learn.  I really like the idea of organizing recipes
based on ingredients.

Sally <[address removed]> wrote:
  Ms. Nasha,

What a great idea!!!!  I really like that!  Thank you
so much. Yes, that's been my goal too, as being a busy
mom myself with two very active boys and two small
dogs (I used to), I still have huge collections of
recipes I have tried and became their favorites.. I
organize my recipes according to the ingredients. So I
can tell what to cook if you have certain ingredients
in the fridge and pantry. I also have collection of
recipes using leftovers and change them into different
meals so your hubby wouldn't recognize he's basically
eating the same food yesterday!   I also have menus
how to cook for a week. I used to go grocery shopping
on Saturdays and cooked all day Sunday, making food,
store them, freeze them so that during the week your
job is minimized to prepare meal....I'd love to share
those tips and I bet many other people want to share
their ideas and tips....

As this is the field I really am passionate, I could
go on and on, but it would be much better
communicating on the message board instead of using
email, so could you post your reply to the message
board so that we can start discussion?  

Other thing is how to implement a system that works
for everyone...Mom also needs to feel good, take care
of herself, and the key to the successful family is
that Mom is always happy and in smile....and to
achieve this you should have a system not only for
meals, but for cleaning, scheduling, taking kids from
here and there, grocery shopping, gift buying, sending
cards, organizing house, doing laundry, know,
Mom do ten thousand different things a day, and maybe
getting your husband and a little ones involved would
be a good idea too.

As a matter of fact, I started teaching my kids how to
cook when they were 4 or 5. With proper planning,
encouragement and fun, kids can learn and actually do
so many different things.

Also it's not a bad idea to sometimes declare that
you're on VACATION.  Even if you are at home, you're
taking vacation and do nothing, so other member needs
to come up with ways to cover her absence while she
enjoys her vacation. I know it sounds IMPOSSIBLE. But
nothing is impossible until you try, and maybe Mom
needs discipline herself not to pick up dirty socks,
not to do everything for everybody, and have more
flexible emotional muscle...Even if your kids try to
bargain, threat, beg, play a game with you, you keep
your strong self and tell them this is what Mom needs
to do without nagging and being hysterical.

Oh, well, I could go on and on, but 
Thank you again for the wonderful idea, and hope to
meet you soon!


  On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 12:56 PM, Ms.Nasha
<[address removed]> wrote:
    Hi Sally,
   I have a suggestion for a class, what about a class
on easy to make recipes for busy moms and wives who
work and come home with 101 things to do. I'd REALLY
like that. Ingredients that were kids friendly as well
as husband approved would really be beneficial. I know
I'm not the only one whose got picky kids and a
husband how thinks that hot dogs are suitable Monday
thru Sunday.


  From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Subject: [cooking-415] Future Meetups to come soon (1)
French cooking
Date: Wed, 19 Mar[masked]:57:55 -0400     

Dear members,

I've been swamped with many different tasks for a past
few weeks, but I just wanted to announce future
meetups plans that I've been working on, and although
I need to finalize details, I just wanted to let you
know what kind of events are coming in the near

1. French cooking classes

1) General lessons for everyone including novice cooks

As you know I was very disappointed that the chef had
an emergency, but i got this idea instead...

Judging from the RSVPs, french cooking seems to be our
main interest and many of us want to learn. So instead
of having just one class, I wanted to do that in a
series of classes throughout the year.

I have contacted several chefs, but the main problem
with everyone is schedule conflicts. So I asked our
own members who are professional chefs themselves, and
yes, they also have busy schedules, but they are more
motivated because they belong to the group!! Thank you
so much! So I think I'll be able to announce our first
class later soon. And if you would like to be on our
instructors team(sounds good, huh?!), please feel free
to contact me.

(1) French Food 101 - very basic
(2) How to select good ingredients
(3) How to use and buy your tool of trade...utensils,
appliances, and other useful tools
(4) How to plan a menu and cook efficiently doing
(5) How to follow, improve, and create your own
(6) Regional cooking - Southen French, Northern
French, Vietnamese French, Cajun, Nouvelle Cuisine,
Californian French, French Japonais, etc. 
(7) Pastry, like partir du sucre, gateaux au chocolat
et gateaux sans beurre.... can they be healthier?!
(8) History of French cooking: What Catherine de'
Medici brought to Henry and France, etc.
(9) Food preparation - safety 101
(10) How to set up a nice table and entertain your
(11) How to showcase your food - Food presentation,
arrangement, photo shoots
(12) French tea..

These are my ideas but if you could give me your ideas
and requests, it would be more fun!

[About donated ingredients.]

I have told everyone that I'm going to give the
donated ingredients from sponsors to the members who
RSVPed Yes to the scheduled meetup. But I realized
that some people had already dropped Yes RSVP because
I wasn't able to post the location, and then after my
announcement of giving away food, those spots were
filled and I thought it's not really fair to the
people who originally RSVPed and people who wanted to
come, but unable to do that because it's already full.

So, I decided not to give out ingredients but I'll use
them for the next classes.
Sorry for the confusion, but hope you understand my
desire to be fair to each and every member and I thank
you for that.

2) French cooking class for intermediate/advance­d

Another thing is that I made friends with the owner of
this very good Japanese restaurant called "Bar Hayama"
on Sawtelle Blvd. They are featured on an internet
food program, and ranked 41, ahead of Matsuhisa(!) in
the latest issue of Los Angeles food magazine. Toshi,
the owner chef is the one who opened a California
Sushi academy the very first time in 1999 in Venice.
He's so nice, always wanting to help people understand
food, and share the love of food. I'll post my photos
taken with him later.

Not only they have good sushi and a bar, and very
relaxed & romantic outside open hearth, one of the
chefs is a noted French chef and they granted my
request to teach us professional French cooking using
their kitchen!

Through the questionnaire I previously sent to the
members who RSVPed to find out what we want to learn
about French cooking, I discovered the main interest
is still on sauce.
And I also told you about the newsletter I created and
posted on the File section. I put their information
and the picture taken. The yellow sauce over asparagus
and white fish was so out-of-this-worldly!­ (I like
Paula Deen...) So we are going to have a meetup to
learn professional cooking to find out what makes a
professional chef different than us amateur cooks. And
as this is aimed for more experienced cooks, and they
use fine ingredients, the fee would be higher than
normal meetups. 

And many more to come.. Please read on.


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