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Monday Poetry Prompt - August 12, 2013

From: Pamela
Sent on: Monday, August 12, 2013, 6:38 AM

Happy Monday! For today's prompt is another prompt from the writing workshop I attended earlier this month: He was a breath of fresh air.  Here is my attempt:


Your name catches in my throat
like a wishbone I should spit
out, but swallow—all eleven letters—
whole, the sticks of the h’s pierce
the tender of my insides, the humps
of the m and n sink to the pit and jumble
with the vowel sounds—ah, ee, oo.

You tried to tell me not to
take you in, but my ears closed
when my eyes did in the close
of that first embrace, when I opened
my mouth and inhaled the musk of you
like a breath of fresh air.


Feel free to post your poem to the message board under the topic, "Monday Poetry Prompt - August 12, 2013" or to the Living Poetry Facebook page. As is our practice, I will delete the thread next week.

Pamela (co-organizer)

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