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Re: [ljc] OpenJdk 9 on Yosemite

From: Martijn V.
Sent on: Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 8:55 AM
I'm using 2.7.7 but my freetype comes from the Macports project.


On 19 January 2015 at 21:40, Colin Vipurs <[address removed]> wrote:
Are you sure this is the case? I've run configure with shells other than bash. Dash is my default shell for executing scripts.

I've done it with both bash and sh.
I'm not a Mac user, but have you tried installing xquartz 2.7.5? I believe Yosemite installs XQuartz 2.7.7 which has subtle incompatibilities with the OpenJDK build system.

Yup, based on Internet reports of 2.7.7 not working.  Tried 2.7.7, uninstalling, installing 2.7.5 and still nothing. 

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