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Voices of the Main Line Writers book launch and more

From: Gary Z.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 9, 2013, 11:32 AM

Hello Writers!

A couple of quick things.

  1. If you participated in line editing for the book, would you drop me a quick line telling me you did. I want to make sure you get credit in the book for your work.
  2. Authors for the book - please stay a biot after the regular meeting so we can talk about some details. I'd also love to get you to read a brief passage from your story into a recorder for future use. Can you come prepared to do that? Bring your piece.
  3. Authors for the book - if you come to the meeting, it would be a great time to get a group photo. Wear something neat.
  4. EVERYONE - remember that the book Launch is October 27 (Sunday) and we'd like you there. Authors, we have a special document coming to you in a days or so for your participation.

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