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Announcing the MSLM mailing list

From: Simeon F.
Sent on: Friday, April 5, 2013, 7:49 AM
Hey All -

As discussed last night we're going to turn on the mailing list as
people forget to check the forums. If you don't want to receive an
email every time somebody sends a question to the list be aware you
can opt out via the Meetup interface. See
https://www.meetup...­ for
details. You will still get announcements about upcoming meetups, etc.

For the rest of you - send your emails, etc to
[address removed]

Please don't spam the list with unrelated material - but feel free to
ask questions about technical stuff, mention local job opportunities
for developers, etc.

Thanks to James for the great presentation last night and Ayera for
hosting us high above Downtown Modesto. Be sure to check out Ayera if
you have bandwidth or colo needs!

-best regards
Simeon Franklin