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Slow Ride News for February

From: Carey R.
Sent on: Monday, February 24, 2014, 11:40 AM

It was a great weekend for riding and I hope you put in a few miles. Spring will be here soon although I think we’re not quite finished with winter.

A big thanks to those who donated to the Meetup Group. We covered the fees for the next six months and I donated the remaining $30 to Bike Walk Tennessee to help with a scholarship to the National Bike Summit organized by the League of American Bicyclists.

Thanks also to all the people who have scheduled rides in the next few months. I would ask that you make sure to describe the type of ride, distance, speed, etc. so people understand the effort required. I’ve discovered that there are different definitions of “slow”.  Anyone can schedule a ride (just click the Schedule a New Meetup link on the front page) and find some friends to join you.

In the past we have often posted organized rides like the Tour de Nash and the Harpeth River Ride on the Meetup page. I’ve been asked several times if there will be a Slow Ride group and the answer is usually no.   I’m going to ask that you only post those events if you are willing to lead a group on a specific distance ride during the event.  I want to support all these group rides during the year and I’ll probably lead a group for the Tour de Nash on May 17.

You can register for the Tour de Nash and the Tennessee Bike Summit here. The summit is going to bring some great speakers to town and will draw bike advocates from around the state. The bike summit is organized by Bike Walk Tennessee and the TdN by Walk Bike Nashville. I’m on the board of both groups so you know they’re doing good work or they’re really hard up for board members.

I’ll be in Washington, D.C. the first week of March for the National Bike Summit and hope to ride for a couple of days on the C and O Canal Path that runs from DC to Pittsburgh. If you have ever wanted to ride the Katy Trail the Missouri State Park service organizes a supported ride every year.


Just Ride


If you didn’t donate to the Meetup dues feel free to help us out with a few bucks.

Donate to Nashville Slow Ride


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