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The Handbill for Feb. 21st 2013

From: Dean W.
Sent on: Thursday, February 21, 2013, 6:32 PM
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The Handbill
The Patriot Briefing - Special Legislative Report
Things are heating up at the capitol in Austin and your guide to legislative activism will begin publishing again on February 24th. Just like last session's Patriot Briefing, we will provide you with major bills to support, research, commentary, contacts, tools, training, committee and floor hearing/vote times and dates and events. So, join our 1000+ trained citizen activists as they write letters, send emails, make phone calls, witness, testify and pay visits to legislators all in support of legislation consistent with our six principles, CTxPAC 2012 resolutions and conservative values.
To stay informed and engage make sure you are SIGNED UP for our newsletter.
Report Card
It's early in their service but how are the Texas Top Ten Conservative Challenger Candidate and Honorable Mention Candidate winners performing? In an effort to hold each one accountable, we will periodically measure their performance against the answers they gave us on our candidate questionnaire, the Patriot PledgeAt this early point we are giving the group of seven a B (very good) grade. Senator Cruz has been a shinning star in DC, doing just what we sent him there for. Read NYT article. Texas State Senator Donna Campbell has already contributed admirably especially while serving on the education committee where CSCOPE came under intense scrutiny and the beginnings of change. Texas House Reps Matt Krause, Stephanie Klick, Scott Turner, Steve Toth and Jonathan Strickland have all authored or co-authored bills consistent with their pledges. More to come... 
The RIGHT Message
"There is no such thing as an articulate republican" - Thomas Sowell 
Do republicans have a messaging problem? Well, Thomas Sowell sure thinks they do. So, what to do about it? First, you can start by understanding the problem by listening to "The Four Pillars of Failed Right Wing Politics". Then listen to the solutions - "Rules for Winning Politics". And then subscribe to "The RIGHT Message Daily Podcasts" by Mike Stein.
LISTEN to it all right here!
The RIGHT Message 
Also on iTunes! Just search The Right Message.
Downloads are free! 
New Revolution Now is a non-profit, party and candidate neutral organization created to support and advocate for core foundational American principles. Our Institute performs educational activities, outreach and organizing, legislative activism and endorsement. 


Dean Wright and the NRN Team
[masked] x:701
In This Issue
The Patriot Briefing
Report Card
The RIGHT Message
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