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New Meetup: Meet Someone New For 2009! Lunch & New People! Join Us At Marseille!

From: L.A. H.
Sent on: Sunday, December 28, 2008, 4:49 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Social, Wine Events Group Community (Singles Preferred)!

What: Meet Someone New For 2009! Lunch & New People! Join Us At Marseille!

When: January 9,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Meet Someone New For 2009! Lunch & New People! Join Us At Marseille!

Welcome In 2009 With New Acquaintances!

Friday from 12:30-2:30 come meet new people and enjoy a delicious lunch!

Why eat alone or with the same old people? The long, classic bar at Marseille makes the perfect community table to connect at!

Step away from your computer and meet some new exciting people for lunch!

Full Menu Available. Marseille Accepts All Credit Cards.

I will be there to make introductions and recommendations too!

Hope to see you there and introduce you to someone wonderful!

- LeeAnne

This will be a fun get together at the bar at Marseille.

Michael will be your bartender, able to help with the delicious Lunch menu items and everyone will be responsible for their own checks. (The only credit card not accepted is Discover)

This will be a nice way to meet new people, step away from the "Same old, same old"
and try something amazing and new!

This is one of the best restaurants around and trying Marseille for lunch makes it extremely affordable compared to dinner!

I hope you can join us!

Thank you,
LeeAnne - The Matre'D at Marseille
630 9th ave @ 44th street (South east corner)

Learn more here: