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New Meetup: Temecula Balloon and Wine Festival - Balloon Launch

From: Paul
Sent on: Friday, May 15, 2009, 12:16 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Mission Viejo Photography Meetup Group!

What: Temecula Balloon and Wine Festival - Balloon Launch

When: June 6,[masked]:30 AM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Come for the Balloons! Stay for the Wine and Music!

The Temecula Balloon and Wine Festival is coming up on the weekend of June 5th through the 7th near Lake Skinner in the beautiful wine country of Temecula. I went last year and the balloon launch was spectacular.

We'll have to leave @ oh-dark-thirty and drive to Lake Skinner to get there in time for the Balloon Launch (probably between 4:30am and 5am). There's plenty of street parking near my apartment for people who want to carpool.

If you're not that hardy, you can alway get a hotel room and spend the night and meet us at the front gate.

Even after the balloon launch, there is still a wine festival with music and food, so we can always stay and make a day of it.

Admission $22 for the day on Saturday.



Learn more here: