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How do i post this job opening with your group??

From: NANCY W.
Sent on: Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 3:11 PM


18 MONTHS, El Segundo, Ca  $4 DOE $$


·         6+ years of shell scripting development (BSH) experience

·         4+ years of Python development experience

·         6+ years of overall software development experience

·         Proficiency in working and developing on Linux: Redhat, Centos, and Fedora

·         Proficiency working in a team-oriented and collaborative environment.

·         Knowledge of CVS, Mercurial and bug tracking systems

·         Knowledge of MS Word, PowerPoint, and Excel


·         The tools engineer develops the software application/tools using Python and shell script

·         Participate in requirements analysis, design, development, test, support and maintenance of tools required by the software build/configuration group

·         Work with build/configuration group to identify the opportunities for development of tools that provide process improvements to the software build/configuration group

·         Participate in optimizing existing tools including build tools, delivery tools, and CM Tools

·         Provide ongoing support for existing toolsets used by the software build/configuration group

·         Assist software build/configuration group to perform builds of set-top-box full stack


Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science/Computer Engineering recommended. Degree in Computer Science is a plus







Nancy Whitley

Talent Acquisition Manager


cid:[address removed]9D790              

Irvine Office: 2100 Main Street | Suite 210 | Irvine, CA 92614

Direct: [masked] | Fax: 310-[masked] |


Click here for other iSpace opportunities. Feel free to forward to a friend.


Please remember the iSpace Referral Policy. If you refer your friends and we place them in any type of position, we will pay you a referral fee. When you refer someone, your names are linked in our database. If we place them next week or 5 years from now, we will pay you a referral fee. There is no expiration date. We find our best people this way, so please assist your friends and make some money at the same time.



ndidate for direct contract or employment by passing us. The resumes we submit are for your direct clients only. Inform us if they're not your direct clients.  

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