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Fw: Learn to Scan Your 35 mm Slides Class and then be able to use the AVA Gallery slide scanner to do all your slides

From: Lisa L.
Sent on: Thursday, May 1, 2014, 11:31 AM
To sign up for this class please contact Adam Blue at AVA Gallery -
Sent: Saturday, April 26,[masked]:06 AM
Subject: Learn to Scan Your 35 mm Slides Class and then be able to use the AVA Gallery slide scanner to do all your slides
This email is going out to all the Quechee Area Camera Club Members -
Adam Blue at AVA Gallery in Lebanon is holding a workshop on how to scan your 35 mm slides.  His first workshop is sold out but he has 3 people on the wait list – if 3 more sign up he will offer another class.  This is a wonderful opportunity – you learn how to scan your slides and then you can use the AVA Gallery Slide Scanner to do your own slides.  Adam is a wonderful instructor – very accommodating, knowledgeable  and very personable so if you are interested in being added to the next class then email Adam at the email address above. 

Scanning Your 35mm Slides (P14A27)

taken from AVA Gallery: 

    Adam Blue  - instructor

    One 1-hour class

    Class limited to 6.

    $25 Digital Arts Media Lab fee included. Materials list provided.

    Tuition: $35 /members; $60 /non-members

    Does your artist portfolio consist of 35mm slides that you would like to digitally archive or post online? Do you have carousels filled with memories that you would like to share with friends and family via the computer? Participants in this

    workshop will be trained to use AVA's 35mm slide scanner so that they can return, on their own schedule, to transfer their analogue images to the digital wor



lisa lacasse photography  quecheevermont  |  v[masked]  |  c[masked]  |