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Change of Date for FREE Movie Night: Blade Runner

From: Nidal
Sent on: Thursday, July 30, 2015, 3:49 PM

Hello Everyone,

Movies on the Block has postponed the movie scheduled for tonight (Thursday July 30, 2015) to tomorrow night, Friday July 31, 2015. I have edited the event and would ask those who are signed up to go to adjust their RSVP accordingly (if you're no longer able to go). If you are able to go and originally weren't RSVPed, perhaps the change in day will allow you to join in.

Please note that although I will have myself scheduled as the event host, I will not be able to go due to a prior commitment, so there won't be a need to go searching for me when you get there. Feel free to use the comments section to coordinate with each other if you would like to do that. I still suggest getting there at around 7, the movie starts at dusk-ish, probably about 8:15 or so.

I hope all those that go enjoy the movie.




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