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Please take a look at this "poll"

From: Mike W.
Sent on: Monday, September 26, 2011, 11:28 AM

If possible, please fill out the following poll:


This will accomplish the following things:


(1) Find out if there's anybody out there who would like to participate in a study group. (If you're not interested in that, *please* fill out the poll anyway. There is an item to check indication that you're mostly interested in social activities, and it would be really good to know!)


(2) Find out how many people are actually getting these emails and reading them :-)


If, you do get this message, but for whatever reason choose not to fill out the poll, it would be great if you could email me and just let me know something about your interests and what you hope to get out of the group.




-Mike Witt

msg2mw (at) gmail (dot) com




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