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Thursday's Rockhounding Meetup!

From: Wayne H.
Sent on: Monday, August 12, 2013, 5:16 PM

I hope that everyone's summer is going well.


This past weekend I started clearing out the garage and my work shed.  I have too many rocks!


So, for this upcoming meeting I will have some nice slabs and other cutting material that I am going to give away.  Depending on how many show up for this meeting, I may have to figure out the best way to fairly dispense them.


If you have any material that you want to exchange or give to other members, or if you have anything interesting or just something that you would like to talk about, bring it along.


I would like to discuss setting up a field trip for this (or the following) Saturday.  I have 2 places in mind - Mineral Hill - just outside of Sykesville, and Stoney Run which is near Johns Hopkins research facility in North Baltimore.


If you have any other suggestions, let me and the group know.  Let's get out there and find some new rocks!


I hope to see you at this Thursday's meeting.


Wayne Homens


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