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New Meetup: A Mock commercial shoot for Johnson and Johnson Band Aids with children models

From: paul h.
Sent on: Saturday, February 27, 2010, 6:21 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for SLC Photography Workshops & Learning Group!

What: A Mock commercial shoot for Johnson and Johnson Band Aids with children models

When: Wednesday, March 3,[masked]:00 PM

Price: $20.00 per person

SLC Photo Co-op Studio
435 West 400 South Suite 100
Salt Lake City, UT 84101

Children show an infinite range of human characteristics. This shoot will select just a few of those. All the techniques we learn will generalize to photographing children under most other conditions.

This particular set up will enhance a few of those particular characteristics of a child and then demonstrate a view of the same from the photographer?s lens.

The lighting will demonstrate how to enhance a few particular child characteristics.

As a goal we will adopt an advertising concept, which is: "we are bidding for a national company?s advertising campaign, they want us to create several images. They will consider our final images to hire the photography team for their campaign?.

The objective will be to portray children in one of their more precarious states of play and in some cases that will be the unfortunate injury that latter becomes a child?s badge of courage.

We will have children models; those of you who would like to bring a child let me know so we can make the necessary arrangements. They should be between the ages of 5 to 10.

This will be as fun as fun can get.

Learn more here: