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Joshua Garrett added a post

From: Joshua G.
Sent on: Friday, August 13, 2010, 4:21 PM
Hi all,

If anybody knows of someone looking for easy great office space, please pass this along. This is in our building, and there's a possibility of some great synergies between our company and any developers. Thanks!

"Plug N Play" R&D space available at 1710 Industrial Road, San Carlos near 101 on the border of Redwood City. HVAC, clean power, TI Internet, phone lines, utilities, security, landscaping and janitorial offered in Full Service lease with flexible terms. Short, medium or long term available. Fully wired: fiber optic, high speed Ethernet, and wireless. Private parking.

Includes shared common space (bathrooms, kitchen) with IT support, Internet, conference rooms, office center tech shop, machine shop and recording studios also potentially available.

Great opportunity for start up, developer or tech firm needing professional quality environment with flexible terms and "plug and play" facilities, services and support available in a dynamic, creative and technical environment. Convenient location near 101, downtown Redwood City and San Carlos. Multiple configurations available/possible, including:

Ground Floor:
960 Square Feet (not including common areas)
32 X 30, exterior window and skylights, dedicated entrance and HVAC, currently furnished with 7 large custom cubes plus 2 small workstation areas.

1840 Square Feet: (not including common areas)
46' X 40', skylights, dedicated entrance (2), HVAC. Currently furnished with 9 large or expanded cubicles; can accommodate 3 additional cubes.

(10) approximately 9' X 9' private offices available
500 Square Feet:
"Open" workspace seats 4-6 under skylight with adjoining office/conference room

Call owner at[masked]; ask for Charlie.

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