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Meetup RSVPs

From: Squier R.
Sent on: Friday, October 23, 2015, 11:00 AM

Hi gang,

I cannot say enough how successful our year has been as a Meetup/Band. The HEA Scholars gig was a new gig and a huge success, thanks Ann for making that happen. Also the Blue Note Grill gig was a new one and a huge success! All the regular gigs from Run For Young through our Durham Art Walks have been huge success in my opinion all due to our members........

I am going to try to take  a look at the RSVP's on Wednesday afternoons and if we have any RSVPs, I will not cancel the session. We pay whether we use the studio or not because we pre-book to keep the big room and our time slot on Thursdays. I will cancel if it looks like attendance is a wash so that Haggard Studios can make a little extra money if given the opportunity to book someone else. I always want us to represent good partners with our community whenever given the opportunity. So RSVP as soon as you know if you are coming so fellow members know what the line up will be. I will RSVP earlier so Rick, Dan or someone else if they aren't coming can organize the party.

Again we have successfully made it through the transition to a more diverse capable band. It still presents challenges and a little stress as  we obligate as early as a year early on most of our gigs.  One thing is for certain, 2016 will once again be our year God willing.

Your friend,
Squier Red

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