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New Meetup: Cal Academy of Sciences - Trip w/ Other Groups - Kid Friendly!

From: David D.
Sent on: Thursday, March 4, 2010, 10:08 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Stockton Area Atheist and Freethinkers!

What: Cal Academy of Science - Trip w/ Other Groups - Kid Friendly!

When: Friday, March 19,[masked]:00 PM

California Academy of Sciences
Golden Gate Park 55 Music Concourse Drive
San Francisco, CA 94118

The Sacramento Freethinkers, Atheists, and Non-Believers is taking a road trip to San Francisco this April.

Come and visit Cal Academy - the only place on the planet with an aquarium, a planetarium, a natural history museum, and a 4-story rainforest all under one roof. It?s a stunning architectural achievement with hundreds of unique exhibits and nearly 40,000 live animals.

This trip is kid-friendly, but not limited to those with children. Everyone will have a blast, and this is the place to do it!

We'll figure out carpooling later, but RSVP now and mark your calendars. We may be able to get a group rate, so PLEASE be accurate with your RSPV and guest count.

Learn more about CalAcademy.

Return back often for details, and spread the word!

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