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New Meetings And The Burlington Book Festival

From: Peter B.
Sent on: Monday, July 29, 2013, 4:34 PM

Hi Writers,

I've scheduled new meetings, so please check them out and RSVP. Note: If you're new to the group, you don't have to wait for a new member meeting. RSVP to any meeting you'd like. We'd love to see you soon!

Also, we're working with the Burlington Book Festival to promote our big afternoon of readings on Saturday, September 21st, so please help us spread the word by (1) Liking the Burlington Book Festival on Facebook and, if you're so inclined, (2) "Inviting" your friends in the Burlington area to "Like" the page.

Thanks, everyone. I'm adding meetings because you've asked for them, and I will add more, so please do send your suggestions about how this group can better serve you. Thanks very much and see you soon!

